Big Android BBQ – The Market of Being an Android Developer in Today’s Corporate environment
So you want to be a corporate developer? from Stacy Devino Follow @DoesitPew
So you want to be a corporate developer? from Stacy Devino Follow @DoesitPew
Video of Talk with Speaker Deck on From my speaking at 360|AnDev Conference in Denver, CO Async task, threads, pools, and executors oh my! from Stacy Devino Follow @DoesitPew
Seven part Series that takes you through the entire process of learning Android to build your own apps. No previous programing experience required! Taught for Free by myself as part of GDG Dallas. Follow @DoesitPew
Intro to Android : Making your first App! from Stacy Devino Follow @DoesitPew
RetroFit by Square – GDG Dallas 06/09/16 from Stacy Devino Follow @DoesitPew
Example Code: This is an example implementation of the Facebook connectionclass library with the Natve broadcast receiver from ChilldoftheHorn’s BABBQNetworkReceiver to determine the best network speed standards and classifiers to use dynamically througha combination of radio information, download speed, and system broadcasts. This is in progress to get DisplayMetrics Read more…
Big Trouble in Little Networks, new and improved from Stacy Devino Follow @DoesitPew
It was SOOO COOOL to do this interview with Natalie Villalobos (Head of Women Techmakers) at the Big Android BBQ! Follow @DoesitPew
These theme styles will allow full width and scaled Material-Styled Dialogs with the elevation shading for all devices down to Android 4.0(tested). For Lollipop with proper scaling: add this to /res/values-v21/themes.xml <style name=”MaterialDialog” parent=”android:Theme.Material.Light.Dialog.NoActionBar.MinWidth”> <item name=”background”>@null</item> <item name=”elevation”>24dp</item> <item name=”android:padding”>0dp</item> </style> Doing this, you still need to define a style Read more…