Android Network Decision App

Example Code: This is an example implementation of the Facebook connectionclass library with the Natve broadcast receiver from ChilldoftheHorn’s BABBQNetworkReceiver to determine the best network speed standards and classifiers to use dynamically througha combination of radio information, download speed, and system broadcasts. This is in progress to get DisplayMetrics Read more…

MaterialDialogs scaling universally even using AppCompact

These theme styles will allow full width and scaled Material-Styled Dialogs with the elevation shading for all devices down to Android 4.0(tested). For Lollipop  with proper scaling: add this to /res/values-v21/themes.xml <style name=”MaterialDialog” parent=”android:Theme.Material.Light.Dialog.NoActionBar.MinWidth”> <item name=”background”>@null</item> <item name=”elevation”>24dp</item> <item name=”android:padding”>0dp</item> </style> Doing this, you still need to define a style Read more…