MaterialDialogs scaling universally even using AppCompact

These theme styles will allow full width and scaled Material-Styled Dialogs with the elevation shading for all devices down to Android 4.0(tested). For Lollipop  with proper scaling: add this to /res/values-v21/themes.xml <style name=”MaterialDialog” parent=”android:Theme.Material.Light.Dialog.NoActionBar.MinWidth”> <item name=”background”>@null</item> <item name=”elevation”>24dp</item> <item name=”android:padding”>0dp</item> </style> Doing this, you still need to define a style Read more…


My Pumpkin and Code! Arduino / Intel Galileo Code <<< GitHub Uses the Seeedstudio Grove Plugin, MP3 Player , Motion Sensor, RGB LED Strip, RGB 16×2 Character Display, and a Wireless speaker. Painted and Made in about an hour! Recipe on SeeedStudio.   A costume I made from some Cardboard and Read more…