Big Android BBQ – The Market of Being an Android Developer in Today’s Corporate environment
So you want to be a corporate developer? from Stacy Devino Follow @DoesitPew
So you want to be a corporate developer? from Stacy Devino Follow @DoesitPew
My Slides Big Trouble in Little Networks from Stacy Devino Better Youtube Link Follow @DoesitPew
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This is my contest entry (Stacy Wylie /Childofthehorn / DoesitPew?) for the DVDLUP day tatoo contest. This is a Windows Phone 8 and Nokia development teaching day for getting started with different topics. Since I had already done a Windows phone app, I decided to get more into UNITY. This Read more…
WOW, After a bunch of work, I present to you WORKING CLOCKWORKMOD! *Big thanks to those of you who worked on the d2att, that code was invaluable for getting a working graphics driver and some unknowns I could not see.* You can also use this to get ROOT! I built Read more…
I had a bit of a kerfuffle doing fancy Notifications for Android that needed to look and work the same on Honeycomb (3.x) , ICS (4.0.X), and JellyBean (4.1 – 4.2) (API11-16) . This was because the Google Android developers page….is wrong-ish..The Function Example Below shows you how to access Read more…
This is a repost of Stephen Wylie’s post on Google Plus (my husband!) THIS IS THE NEWEST AND BEST WAY TO DO OAUTH AND INTEGRATE GOOGLE. I PROMISE! Here are a series of steps you can use in order to integrate an Android app with the Google Play Services, particularly for Read more…
Download it here! I made my first native Windows Phone (WP7) app and it was really easy! Thinking about making a Pivot Themer based on my work on this. Follow @DoesitPew